Our Story
We're not just a gallery, we're artists ourselves. We know how hard it is to find a place that truly understands the struggle of being an artist, working to create, collaborate, share, and sell the work you pour your heart into.
So we made one.
We are the Twin Rabbit Artist Collective. A different kind of everything.

Founded in 2016, Twin Rabbit Artist Collective came together in response to a need for something better for artists and art lovers in Columbia, SC. The competition for outstanding artwork and teaching positions is fierce, and theTRAC is all about giving working artists a landing pad, a launching site to help further their professional careers as both artists and educators. We knew the best way to help local artists and our community was to create a place just for that purpose. We are local with a network of galleries across the United States, working to make a difference for artists, art lovers, and our community.
what's at the trac?
A collective of artists from all backgrounds who create, collaborate on, share, teach, and grow as professional artists
Classes both online, and in person (small-group & private only)
Private Lessons curated to your personal interests
Join virtual meetups as the Carolina Creatives join for "Critiques & Conversations"
Our goal
In a consumer-driven world, the arts - and the artists - often get left behind. Their out-of-the-box thinking and creative visions enrich and grow communities, which in turn drive up prices and drive out artists. Our goal is to teach artists how to enhance their skill-sets, get experience teaching and curating shows, and make connections that will be invaluable when they, inevitably, move on to the next city in need of their unique perspectives.
And this is just the beginning. We are looking ahead to expanding our business, thinking globally with new opportunities using technology to reach an online, interactive market, and virtual classrooms. Long-distance, and introverted learners, join us!
About the Owners
Meagan Skinner-Keith is an East Coast girl, born and raised. She loves the warm rain and the warm sea, and the swaying palm trees of South Carolina!
Meagan has been working with children for most of her life. From working alongside the director of a pre-school to designing, organizing, and running her own summer camps, to working in after-school programs for at-risk children, Meagan has worked tirelessly to promote the health, well-being, and creative learning of children. With her degree in human development and psychology, her innate ability to assess people and situations is no small help when it comes to teaching and working within her community.
In addition to her background with children, Meagan also has extensive experience in business, art, and writiing. In her work with the pre-school, and then later working directly with the owner of a business in Colorado, she learned the many ins and outs, dos and don'ts of owning a business.
Robert O. Keith IV is a native Coloradan. Born in Denver, he has lived all over Colorado with his family, as well as California, Washington state, and Florida while in the Navy.
After earning his Bachelor's from Colorado State University, he moved to South Carolina with his wife, Meagan to begin his Master's degree in Fine Arts at the University of South Carolina. Now a Master of Fine Arts with a teaching degree, he shares his love of the arts with students, holding classes at a high school, and the university, and practising his craft in every spare moment.
Robert's background in art covers nearly all areas, but he is most passionate about oil painting, drawing, and printmaking.